What do you need to know and how to prepare photo shots for pregnant women

pregnancy photo shoot

The idea to preserve the history of charming bellies has firmly entered the pregnant reality. Each expectant mother is incredibly beautiful and feminine, she literally blossoms and shines with happiness. Waiting for magic, many people think about holding a photo shoot of a pregnant woman, because this is a chance to stop time at one of the happiest moments in life.

In what month of pregnancy is it best to conduct a photo shoot of a pregnant woman?

The photo session is best done between 28 and 35 weeks. But if you gain weight intensively, and you already have a clear view of your tummy, you can carry out the photo session before. Here is what I do not advise to do, it is to tighten. Because, firstly, you can not have time (ie, we will determine the date of the photo shoot, and you will give birth a couple of weeks earlier), and secondly, in the last weeks of the future mommy is very physically difficult. Therefore, based on the condition is better earlier than later.


A photo session for the expectant mother should be held in comfortable conditions – this is a key rule, which is worth to rely on when choosing a place. The second point is the theme of the photo shoot, style and image of the pregnant woman.

We take pictures in the studio
Very popular option for several reasons:

  • The process of taking photos will not be affected by weather conditions or by unauthorized persons.
  • The room is always warm and cozy for mom and tummy.
  • In the photo studio everything is at hand – accessories, decorations, high-quality lighting, even music for mood.
  • The image for a photo session of a pregnant woman in the studio can be any – without any restrictions.

Take pictures at home

Photo session at home for a pregnant woman implies not so rich variety of interesting ideas as a studio. However, a professional photographer can successfully beat any topic. For example, preparing future parents to have a baby, buying a dowry for a newborn. If the future mommy cannot be overstretched due to her health condition, then a home photo shoot will be the only right solution.

pregnancy photo shoot

We take pictures in nature

No, not even the coolest and most modern studio is able to repeat the beauty of nature. Outdoor photo shoots for pregnant women are always bright, lively and inspiring. The only drawback is bad weather conditions, which sometimes make it necessary to reschedule a photo event.

  • A great idea is a fun picnic with the future father and brother/sister. Such family photos turn out to be incredibly charming, filled with warmth and love.
  • If you can’t go out of town, then you can go to the city park. Here you will find a lot of picturesque places for the photo set.
  • Photo sessions of expectant mothers among wildflowers or wheat – a classic of the genre. The nature itself becomes a colorful background for your photo history. You can add a bouquet or a wreath of flowers, complement the frame with accessories.

pregnancy photo shoot


Naturally, the most comfortable for the future mommy. It can be:

  • Long dresses and free cut sundresses;
  • Shirts and blouses, which can be easily unbuttoned tummy;
  • Beautiful underwear;
  • Fitting outfit that emphasizes the convex tummy;
  • Nude style photo shoots are also very popular among pregnant women who want to create a gentle romantic image. With a piece of chiffon, organza or silk, the photographer can beat the silhouette and make it airy, almost magical.

In order to make the photos of future parents harmonious, photographers recommend dressing in the same style and color scheme. For example, ordinary jeans and white T-shirts look impressive in the frame.

We have made for you a selection of clothes that will probably suit you for this photo shoot:

Click here


All individually. The future mommy can create her own image in the mood or trust experienced makeup artists. The right decision will be to listen to the advice of the photographer:

  • For a romantic look, a gentle, barely noticeable makeup in natural tones will be the right choice. Give preference to light gray, soft pink, lilac shades.
  • If the theme of the photo shoot suggests creating a bold image, then it is worth to lift your eyes and accentuate your lips with a bright lipstick.


Traditionally, the props for a photo shoot of pregnant women are used quite actively, because often it is he who sets the mood and creates the right atmosphere for the photo. Additional attributes may be used:

  • Children’s things – clothes, hats, socks, pints;
  • Soft toys of any size;
    Flowers – live or artificial;
  • Plates with names, inscriptions;
  • Paper butterflies, flower petals;
  • Cuttings of light fabric, etc.

Charming photos for pregnant women are obtained with body art on the tummy. Drawings and inscriptions are applied with special paints that do not cause irritation.

pregnancy photo shoot


  • Obbing the tummy – it can be done standing, sitting, lying down. In any position, comfortable for the future mommy.
  • Profile. The posture that all pregnant women adore, because it gives the opportunity to assess the true size of future happiness. It is an excellent option to look out from behind the wall, so that only the belly could be seen.
  • Effects with a shadow. For example, on the photo you can see only a pregnant shadow and nothing else.
  • Future parents. This is a very gentle and romantic idea for a family photo shoot. Hugs, kisses, demonstration of feelings and emotions – nothing can hide from the camera lens.
  • Big brothers and sisters. Such photos are the most touching and lively.
  • Family photosets. They give a maximum of joy to all participants not only during shooting, but also after – while watching the photo album.
  • Balloons. Such photos are very festive and atmospheric.
  • With dice. But not with simple ones, but with letters! From them you can lay out the name of the future baby. By the way, the whole structure can be placed directly on the tummy.
  • With clothes for a newborn. If mommy and daddy dressed in the same outfits, then the same should be picked up and the baby. Or hang a small closet on pegs.

pregnancy photo shoot


  • Before and after. This idea is quite difficult to implement, but these photos look very impressive. The trick is that the shots before and after should be as similar as possible: clothes, hairstyle, posture, color scheme and even shadows should match 100%. And if we take into account the fact that a month or two passes between photosets, then this task will be with an increased level of complexity. But it is worth it.
  • With watermelon. It is more like a tummy than other fruits, so this sweet props will be a great addition to the photo. Often, the photo session is complemented by creative body art.
  • In maritime style. A props wheel, a compass, an appropriate color scheme, and vest on future parents – and an interesting idea for the photo session is ready.
  • With pictures on the stomach. They can be any – humorous, plot, romantic. Everything depends on your desires, fantasy and skill of the artist.
  • Photo in water. A photo shoot in water is a technically complicated process, but the photos made in this way look great. If you want to make really unusual photos with fantastic atmosphere, then this option is for you.
  • With bows and ribbons. Do you want to hint at the floor of a child? Tie a blue or pink ribbon around your tummy. Also delightful images of a pregnant girl dressed in a cloud of tulle or air silk.
  • Flowers. They add tenderness and femininity to any photo. Give preference to light shades of buds, which always look spectacular and touching.
  • Family in a row. If you involve the whole family to the photo set, you will get lively and original shots. For example, you can write on the pregnant tummy “Baby”, on the stomach of your daddy “Beer”, and on the older child “Juice”.

We hope our selection of ideas will help you to arrange the brightest and most creative photo session of pregnancy. We also want to share our page instagram @cute_pregnancy which already has over 4 thousand publications on pregnancy. There you will definitely find an idea that suits you.

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