25 week pregnancy

25 obstetric week of pregnancy begins III trimester. From this point on, all the processes occurring in the woman’s body will be subordinated to the same goal – preparation for the upcoming birth. The gradual rearrangement of hormonal background and the formation of a generic dominant are the main cause of mental and physical changes in the last trimester of pregnancy.

25 week pregnancy
25 week pregnancy

Fetal development

At 25 weeks of pregnancy, the baby continues to actively gain weight and height. The length of his body at this period is 30-31 cm, and his body weight approaches the mark of 700 g. The body’s own growth hormone begins to be synthesized in the body of the fetus, which explains the rapid pace of physical development during this period.

The placenta is gradually increasing in size. Its thickness at the beginning of the third trimester is 27 mm. When the location is low, the placenta begins to migrate to the bottom of the uterus in order to take the most favorable position after a few weeks.

The development of subcutaneous fat continues. The body of the baby acquires the roundness characteristic of every healthy child. Under the buttocks and on the limbs, characteristic folds of skin appear.

At the end of the third trimester, the formation of the bone marrow is completed. Now this organ completely assumes the function of blood formation in the fetus. In the lungs of the baby continues the accumulation of an important substance – surfactant. Thanks to the surfactant, the alveoli of the newborn do not stick together during the first breath, and the baby can safely exist outside the womb.

Condition of a mom

By the 25th week of pregnancy, the total weight gain is up to 6 kg. The rapid growth of the fetus leads to a rapid increase in the size of the abdomen and noticeable changes in the shape. The uterus is 1 cm above the navel. The center of gravity of the body shifts, which inevitably leads to an increase in the load on the spine and the appearance of unpleasant sensations in the lower back and pelvic bones.

The beginning of the third trimester means the transition of the nervous system to the phase of inhibition. This process will last a long time, but already on week 25 there is a certain decline in strength. General weakness, daytime sleepiness and even apathy await a pregnant woman. There is no need to fear it. This condition is completely normal and once again underlines the prosperous course of the third trimester.

The movements of the fetus at week 25 feel very good. During this period, the baby actively moves in the mother’s womb, turns over and kicks with its small legs. On average, a pregnant woman can sense up to 4 fetal movements within an hour. The absence of active movements for 4-6 hours should not frighten the future mother. At this time, the baby may sleep or simply not feel the desire to communicate with the outside world. It is necessary to consult a doctor if the child does not make itself known more than 6 hours in a row.

Vaginal discharge must still remain light, transparent or milky, of a uniform consistency, without unpleasant smell. A change in the color of the discharge may indicate development of a genital tract infection. In this case, you should get an appointment with a doctor and pass the necessary examination. Bloodstained at any stage of pregnancy should not be.

 25 obstetric week of pregnancy begins III trimester. From this point on, all the processes occurring in the woman’s body will be subordinated to the same goal – preparation for the upcoming birth. The gradual rearrangement of hormonal background and the formation of a generic dominant are the main cause of mental and physical changes in the last trimester of pregnancy.

Fetal development

At 25 weeks of pregnancy, the baby continues to actively gain weight and height. The length of his body at this period is 30-31 cm, and his body weight approaches the mark of 700 g. The body’s own growth hormone begins to be synthesized in the body of the fetus, which explains the rapid pace of physical development during this period.

The placenta is gradually increasing in size. Its thickness at the beginning of the third trimester is 27 mm. When the location is low, the placenta begins to migrate to the bottom of the uterus in order to take the most favorable position after a few weeks.

The development of subcutaneous fat continues. The body of the baby acquires the roundness characteristic of every healthy child. Under the buttocks and on the limbs, characteristic folds of skin appear.

At the end of the third trimester, the formation of the bone marrow is completed. Now this organ completely assumes the function of blood formation in the fetus. In the lungs of the baby continues the accumulation of an important substance – surfactant. Thanks to the surfactant, the alveoli of the newborn do not stick together during the first breath, and the baby can safely exist outside the womb.

Condition of a mom

By the 25th week of pregnancy, the total weight gain is up to 6 kg. The rapid growth of the fetus leads to a rapid increase in the size of the abdomen and noticeable changes in the shape. The uterus is 1 cm above the navel. The center of gravity of the body shifts, which inevitably leads to an increase in the load on the spine and the appearance of unpleasant sensations in the lower back and pelvic bones.

The beginning of the third trimester means the transition of the nervous system to the phase of inhibition. This process will last a long time, but already on week 25 there is a certain decline in strength. General weakness, daytime sleepiness and even apathy await a pregnant woman. There is no need to fear it. This condition is completely normal and once again underlines the prosperous course of the third trimester.

The movements of the fetus at week 25 feel very good. During this period, the baby actively moves in the mother’s womb, turns over and kicks with its small legs. On average, a pregnant woman can sense up to 4 fetal movements within an hour. The absence of active movements for 4-6 hours should not frighten the future mother. At this time, the baby may sleep or simply not feel the desire to communicate with the outside world. It is necessary to consult a doctor if the child does not make itself known more than 6 hours in a row.

Vaginal discharge must still remain light, transparent or milky, of a uniform consistency, without unpleasant smell. A change in the color of the discharge may indicate development of a genital tract infection. In this case, you should get an appointment with a doctor and pass the necessary examination. Bloodstained at any stage of pregnancy should not be.

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