Causes of colic in a baby during breastfeeding

The relationship between the mother’s body and the baby is very close both during pregnancy and when the baby is born. The food standard for the baby is mother’s breast milk, which contains all the necessary nutrients and immunoglobulins that form the baby’s immunity from the first days of life.

The composition of breast milk directly depends on the qualitative and quantitative composition of the daily diet of a lactating woman. The use of certain foods provokes the appearance of intestinal colic in an infant. According to statistics, in the first 3 months of birth, at least 90% of babies face this problem.

This statistic is associated with the fact that the digestive system of a newborn baby is still not mature enough and does not provide the necessary amount of digestive enzymes.

anti colic diet

What is intestinal colic

This condition is characterized by increased gas formation in the child’s intestines, resulting in bloating (flatulence). Excessive accumulation of gases in the intestine is accompanied by pain and a feeling of fullness.

It is necessary to consider intestinal colic in infants as part of the physiological process of growth and maturation of the body, since the process is natural, and can be eliminated by reviewing the nutrition of a nursing woman.

The following symptoms of colic indicate that the child began to worry about intestinal colic may be the following symptoms:

  • sudden onset of a pain attack;
  • the child becomes restless, bends his legs to his stomach, cries and groans;
  • during the inspection, the child can visually and by touch to determine the bloating and hardness with slight pressure;
  • the child’s face turns red from excessive stress and crying;
  • in some situations, you can hear the sounds of rumbling in the baby’s stomach;
  • after the withdrawal of the stool or gas, all symptoms disappear on their own.

Mother's diet for anti-colic diets

The degree of probability of developing intestinal colic in a newborn child depends on the rational nutrition of a nursing woman, so this issue should be one of the most priority. A woman should eat often and in small portions, 5-6 times a day, during lactation, paying special attention to each product eaten. For full assimilation, it is necessary to take food at least 30-40 minutes before feeding the child.

In order to protect your child as much as possible from the risk of intestinal colic, each nursing mother should take care of their nutrition, following a fairly strict diet. Despite the need to limit certain foods, fasting is strictly contraindicated, and can lead to serious consequences for the body of the mother and child.

anti colic diet

What is recommended to eat

  • Vegetables. The use of vegetables guarantees the supply of vitamins and minerals necessary for ensuring important physiological processes of the body. A nursing mother is recommended to eat vegetables baked or boiled daily. Tomatoes and white cabbage, which contribute to excessive gas formation, fall under the restriction.
  • Fruit. Special preference in choosing fruits should be given to apples, which must first be baked in the oven.
  • Meat products. Low-fat meats are a mandatory part of the diet of a nursing woman. It is better to give preference to chicken, Turkey, rabbit and veal. It is better to cook the meat for a couple or stew, refraining from frying and baking.
  • Dairy and fermented milk products. During breast-feeding, it is better for a woman to give up the use of whole milk, and give preference to fermented milk products (yogurt, kefir, yogurt). Yogurt and yogurt can be prepared at home. Recommended daily consumption of cottage cheese, the fat content of which does not exceed 5%.
  • Bakery products and cereals. Daily consumption of cereals is mandatory for a nursing woman. It is recommended to cook porridge exclusively on water, without adding milk. It is necessary to give preference to yesterday’s white bread.
  • Fats. It is recommended to limit vegetable and animal fats during breastfeeding, but not completely exclude them. Every day you need to use a small amount of butter and vegetable oil, adding it to your food.
  • Drinks. Compliance with the drinking regime is an important component of successful breastfeeding. In order not to provoke colic in a child, a nursing woman is recommended to use weak black and green tea, fruit compotes and fruit drinks. Cocoa and coffee should be completely excluded from the diet.

What should be excluded from your diet

Products that are prohibited for a nursing woman include:

  • products containing cocoa powder, confectionery;
  • hot spices, sauces, ketchup, mayonnaise, mustard;
  • condensed milk, ice cream;
  • carbonated beverages, whether they contain sugar or not;
  • yeast dough products;
  • egg;
  • rye and fresh white bread;
  • citrus fruits and fruit juices.

Following this diet, it is important for a nursing woman to remember that over-feeding may be no less likely to cause colic in a child. Insufficient production of digestive enzymes provokes a violation of the act of digesting breast milk, leading to excessive gas formation in the baby’s intestines.

Under the ban for a nursing mother is the use of alcohol and tobacco, which leads to the development of severe consequences for the child’s body. A nursing woman can get a more detailed nutrition plan at an in-person consultation with a medical specialist who will make up the diet.