The presence of a husband at birth

Childbirth: The presence of a husband, arguments for and against

birth with husband

If you are pregnant and preparing for childbirth, you may be wondering whether you want your husband to be with you during labor and delivery. Some women prefer to have their husbands by their side, while others prefer to have other people or no one at all. There is no right or wrong answer to this question, as it depends on your personal preferences and circumstances. However, it may help to consider some of the pros and cons of having your husband present during childbirth.


  • Having your husband with you can enhance your emotional bond and intimacy. You can share one of life’s most amazing experiences together and witness the birth of your child as a team.
  • Having your husband with you can reduce stress, anxiety, and pain. He can provide physical comfort, such as massage, breathing techniques, or holding your hand. He can also provide emotional support, such as encouragement, reassurance, or humor.
  • Having your husband with you can increase satisfaction and empowerment. He can help you feel more confident and in control of your birth experience. He can also help you communicate your wishes and needs to the health professionals.
  • Having your husband with you can improve outcomes for you and your baby. Studies have shown that having a supportive partner during childbirth can lower the risk of complications, interventions, infections, postpartum depression, and breastfeeding difficulties.


  • Having your husband with you can create unrealistic expectations or pressure. You may expect him to know what to do or say at all times or to act in a certain way. He may feel overwhelmed or inadequate if he cannot meet your expectations or cope with the situation.
  • Having your husband with you can cause emotional distress or trauma. He may find it hard to watch you in pain or suffering. He may also witness some unpleasant aspects of childbirth that could affect his perception of you or sex later on.
  • Having your husband with you can interfere with medical care or privacy. He may disagree with the health professionals’ recommendations or interventions. He may also see things that are normally kept private between you and them.
  • Having your husband with you can take away attention from yourself or your baby. You may feel more concerned about his feelings or reactions than yours. You may also miss out on some bonding time with your baby immediately after birth.

Therefore, it is important to discuss this decision with your husband well before the due date. Make sure he understands what his role will be during labor and delivery and what he can expect to see and do. If possible, attend prenatal classes together where he can learn some skills and tips on how to support you. Also consider hiring a doula who can provide professional support for both of you.

Childbirth is a unique experience for every woman. Whether you choose to have your husband present during childbirth or not is entirely up to you. Whatever decision you make should be based on what makes YOU feel comfortable and safe. And remember that no matter who is by your side during childbirth (or not), YOU are strong enough to bring a new life into this world!