



2 trimester of pregnancy

The second trimester runs from 14 to 26 obstetric week of pregnancy. This is a period of relative calm when compared with the first trimester. The placenta is fully developed, and the baby gets all the nutrients through it. The skeleton is developing intensively, the fetus is actively growing in length.

From the 18th week, the first movements and shocks of the baby are felt, which causes great joy in most mothers. Communication of the child and mother is improved. It has already been proven that the pussy will recognize the voice of her mother, therefore it is recommended to talk with the child. The future father can also join and feel the points of the child during intercourse.

All organs and systems of the fetus were laid in the first trimester. The second trimester of pregnancy is the time of their improvement, as well as growth and weight gain of the baby.

In the 2nd trimester, the future mother’s tummy is rounded and people around will find out about your new position. The emotional background is stabilizing, because the woman has already adapted to her new role.

Changes in the body in the second trimester of pregnancy

Usually, by the beginning of the second trimester of pregnancy, toxicosis recedes, and such symptoms as nausea in the morning and poor appetite in the 2nd trimester do not bother the expectant mother.

From the thirteenth to the fourteenth week of gestation, the uterus grows rather intensively. It has a rounded shape. The bottom is 10-15 cm above the level of the pubis. The uterus increases due to the growing fetus and amniotic fluid.

In the fifth month of pregnancy, the entire body of the fetus is covered with soft fur, which quickly disappears. There are weak movements of the chest – at first rarely, and then more and more often – up to 30-40 per minute. The fetus develops in the aquatic environment and when the respiratory movements are made, a small amount of amniotic fluid either enters the lungs or comes out of them. It is hard to underestimate the importance of these movements. First, fetal lungs are trained to be able to breathe from the first moments after delivery. And, secondly, these movements contribute to the flow of blood to the heart: during inhalation, negative pressure is created in the chest in the chest, which leads to expansion of the heart chambers and filling them with blood.

The digestive organs of the fetus begin to work long before birth. However, the secretory function is still poorly expressed, since there are no stimuli stimulating secretion. Swallowing amniotic fluid leads to the digestion of proteins contained in it in small quantities.

Possible problems in the second trimester

What problems can expect a pregnant woman from the fourteenth to the twenty-sixth week of pregnancy?

There are several:

  • Breast enlargement and / or nipple irritability;
  • False contractions of Braxton Hicks in the lower abdomen and groin;
  • Growing belly and active weight gain, as a result;
  • Heartburn due to increased acidity in the digestive tract;
  • Changes in skin pigmentation are possible;
  • Stretch marks on the skin, sometimes accompanied by itching;
  • Snoring is possible, as a result of swelling of the mucous membranes of the nasopharynx;
  • The softness of the gums, sometimes accompanied by their bleeding;
  • Dizziness, as a result of changes in blood pressure;
  • Leg cramps;
  • Dyspnea;
  • Vaginal discharge;
  • Urinary tract infections.

The body of the future mother is rebuilt, changing – all these ailments are physiologically conditioned. However, it is not a fact that the whole complex of problems will necessarily accompany the second trimester of pregnancy. These are possible (hypothetical) difficulties. Many pregnant girls are little concerned about this list during the 2nd trimester. Do not forget that your positive attitude is very important!

what not to do in the second trimester of pregnancy

Expectant mothers from 14 to 26 weeks of pregnancy are not recommended:

  • Tobacco and alcohol use;
  • Experiencing stress, irritation, overwork;
  • Wear tight, tight clothing;
  • Raise items weighing more than three kilograms;
  • Take medicine without a prescription.

Sex in the second trimester of pregnancy

In the normal course of pregnancy, sex in the second trimester is not contraindicated. However, young spouses should avoid “extreme” positions while making love. The partner must be attentive, cautious, not forgetting the “interesting” position of the partner.

Many future fathers, watching his wife’s abdomen grow, do not initiate sex for fear of harming the fetus. However, this is more myth than reality. If your desires are mutual, if the chosen position for the future mother is comfortable, mutual joy from sex will only strengthen your relationship without any harm to the future child.

You can get more detailed information on this topic in our other article.

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