There is a strong emotional connection between the future mother and her baby – this is known. But there have been studies confirming that the state of a woman during pregnancy then affects the behavior and even the fate of the child.

The baby, being in the womb, is inextricably linked with her umbilical cord. He does not separate himself from the outside world. The child’s feelings can be described as “I am the world”, that is, he is to everything – both cause and effect. And according to this principle, our brain continues to operate for the rest of its life: for it there are no other people, for it there is only a body. And he can solve all emerging emotional problems only through the body – as a result of which many psychosomatic diseases arise. Based on these facts, we can confidently say that the thoughts and condition of a woman during pregnancy are really transmitted to her baby, and also affect his life.

The reaction of the fetus to mother’s emotions

If, for example, the mother is in doubt about her pregnancy, then the fetus receives a signal about the threat to life. And no matter what stage of his development he is now, even if his brain has not yet begun to develop. We know that every cell in our body contains information about the entire body. By the same principle, the first cells of a new person perceive information about the external environment.

If a woman worries about whether everything is fine with her child, feels an urgent need for his constant movements, then the baby remembers the information “I need to move to show that I am alive.” And then the parents wonder why their child is hyperactive.

If the expectant mother lacks attention, then her baby then, quite possibly, will adhere to the same scenario. Will do everything to talk about him. Hence the whims, and demonstrative behavior, and difficulties in education.

Emotions as a standard that determines the fate of a child

Another important aspect of the intrauterine condition is that the baby remembers it as a reference. The womb for us is a kind of metaphor for paradise. And if tears constantly flow in this paradise and fear, excitement and loneliness are felt, then this state will become a reference for a person. He will unconsciously strive for him for the rest of his life. If, during pregnancy, the mother radiates calm and confidence that everything will be fine, then this particular attitude will be decisive for a person.

This mechanism is explained by a special property of our brain – its desire to stay in familiar circumstances and feelings. This explains the fact why most people repeat events throughout life that are similar in their emotional content. If you write down on paper important moments of your life by years, then you will definitely notice such coincidences. Moreover, the events will be repeated at regular intervals (plus or minus several months). And there is no mysticism, karma or curse. This is just the work of your brain.

In order to destroy this vicious circle, you should ask your mother what emotions she felt when she was pregnant with you, what events happened to her. It is possible her answers will help solve this important task for you.

No need to blame yourself

When mothers learn information about the effect of emotions on the life and condition of the baby, they often begin to blame themselves for the negativity they experienced during pregnancy. This is not necessary. Guilt is an ineffective feeling; it does not help solve the problem, but only exacerbates it.

Remember: it is impossible to know in advance exactly how emotions will affect a particular child. Each kid is unique. At two months, someone calmly experiences a two-hour absence of mom, and for someone, leaving her in another room for a couple of minutes can be a psychological trauma.

And finally, there are no fatal situations – as long as there is life. The main thing is to ask yourself the right question: “How can I solve this?”

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