



34 week pregnancy

At week 34, the development of the fetus continues in accordance with the plan laid down by nature. A woman’s body is preparing for the most important event – the birth of a baby. The generic dominant is gradually formed in the nervous system, which leads to certain changes in the future mother’s condition.

34 week pregnancy
34 week pregnancy

At 34 obstetric weeks, the growth of the fetus is 44-46 cm, weight – about 2500 g. The size of the baby depends on heredity and the state of the mother’s endocrine system. The birth of a large fetus is possible in tall women of strong build, as well as in some diseases of the pancreas.

All internal organs of the fetus are formed, and only in the lungs the development of alveoli and small vessels continues. Surfactant accumulates – a substance necessary for a newborn to spontaneously breathe. Children born at this time quickly adapt to the existence outside the maternal organism.

By the end of the third trimester, the baby occupies a stable position in the uterus – longitudinally with the head or buttocks to the entrance to the small pelvis. The movements of the fetus become less sweeping, abrupt upheavals cease. In rare cases, the child is located across or obliquely. The transverse and oblique position of the fetus – a direct indication for cesarean section.

At week 34 begins the aging of the placenta. Calcinates are deposited in it, and dehydration sites appear. The placenta thickens, but the blood flow remains within the normal range. Until the very birth, the fetal place provides the baby with oxygen and all the necessary nutrients.

Condition of a mom

The total weight gain at week 34 is 8-11 kg. The future mother still needs to gain from 300 to 500 g per week, mainly due to the rapid growth of the fetus. The abdomen reaches its maximum size, increasing in the transverse direction. The uterus rises 34 cm above the pubic arch, almost reaching the xiphoid process of the sternum.

The high location of the uterus provokes the compression of the internal organs and the diaphragm. Heartburn increases, there is flatulence and pain in the umbilical region. Peristalsis of the intestines worsens, frequent constipation occurs. There is shortness of breath at the slightest exertion. All of these symptoms peak at 36 weeks gestation, after which you should expect a marked improvement in the condition.

Discharge at obstetric week 34 remain abundant, without a strong odor and foreign inclusions (pus, blood). The color of the discharge may be slightly yellowish or milky. Vaginal discharge should not cause itching, burning, or any other discomfort. If you experience unpleasant sensations in the vagina should inform your doctor. Any infection detected at this time should be urgently treated. Otherwise, there is a high risk of infection of the newborn during natural or operative labor.

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