



35 week pregnancy

In the 35th week of pregnancy, the preparation of the organism for the upcoming delivery continues. All the internal organs of the fetus at this time already formed, and the baby is almost ready to be born. A child born at 35 weeks is considered premature, but is already able to breathe, eat and maintain optimal body temperature. Such children quickly adapt to new conditions and easily catch up with their peers in physical development.

35 week pregnancy
35 week pregnancy

At 35 obstetric weeks, the baby weighs 2300-2600 g, body length – 45-48 cm. Externally, the child is practically no different from the full-term newborn. Its body is partially covered with original lubricant, in some places the primary fluff hairs (lanugo) remain. Skin has a pale pink color peculiar to all newborns.

The formation of internal organs is fully completed. In the lungs there is an active production of surfactant, so that the baby can breathe on its own immediately after birth. The endocrine glands function in full force, producing the hormones necessary for life. In the adrenal glands of the fetus is enhanced production of cortisol – a substance responsible for the onset of labor.

In the last weeks of pregnancy, the fetus is rapidly gaining weight. The baby is already cramped in the womb, and his movements become less active. The kicks of the small legs are well felt in the hypochondrium and the epigastric region. The fetus is no longer able to dramatically change its position, and remains in a certain position until the birth.

Condition of a mom

The emerging birth dominant determines the behavior of a woman in the last weeks of pregnancy. The future mother sinks into herself, becomes calm and even slightly inhibited. All the thoughts of a woman are busy with the upcoming meeting with her baby. At the same time, fatigue accumulates, daytime sleepiness, slight apathy returns. All this leads to the fact that in the later periods a pregnant woman leaves the house less and less, preferring to spend time alone or in the company of the closest people.

Weight gain to 35 weeks is 8-12 kg, and it consists of the following indicators:

  • fruit weight (2.5-3 kg);
  • weight of the uterus (0.8-1 kg);
  • Amniotic fluid volume (0.5-1.5 L);
  • weight of the placenta (0.4-0.5 kg);
  • additional volume of circulating blood (about 1 l);
  • additional weight of mammary glands (0.4-0.5 kg);
  • deposits of subcutaneous fat (2-3 kg).

Vaginal discharge at the end of the third trimester remains transparent or milky, quite abundant and thick. Perhaps the discharge mucous plugs. In some women, the cork moves away entirely in the form of a white-yellow clot, while in others it is excreted in parts. In the latter case, the vaginal discharge intensifies and changes color to light yellow. The discharge of mucus plug is a sign indicating the imminent onset of labor.

Sudden diarrhea that occurred at 35 weeks, can also talk about the imminent completion of pregnancy. Thus, the body prepares for childbirth, removing all metabolic products from the intestine. Loose stools may persist for 2–3 days. Prenatal diarrhea is not accompanied by vomiting, abdominal pain or fever. The appearance of any of these symptoms occurs during acute intestinal infection. In this situation, an urgent need to consult a doctor.

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